If you hadn't noticed I was M.I.A. for a week, the reason being my internet and cable provider suffered "equipment failure" sometime on January 7th and the issue wasn't resolved until January 13/14. Obviously it was annoying (the internet more so than the cable) but I probably read more than in the previous month and wrote more than the previous six months. It was kind of nice to be shut out from the world for a week. I had a similar experience on August 10, 2020 when a derecho swept across Iowa and knocked out power to my town for 10 hours. The weather was extremely mild for summer in Iowa and I got to see the night sky unpolluted by city lights without having to go to the boondocks.
That brings me to this week's subject: the Romanovs in Tobolsk. While it's definitely an idealized image, I've long had a vision in my head of Tobolsk as a smallish city in the wilds of Siberia with the Milky Way Galaxy glittering overhead and a noted absence of corporate advertising disrupting the skyline. Anyway, I present to you photos of the Romanovs in Tobolsk. Be wary, the photos aren't the greatest quality so I'm mostly guessing as to who's who. |
Anastasia, Maria, Olga. This is thought to be the last photograph of Maria. |
Anastasia, Alexandra, Maria, Olga |
Olga and unknown man(possibly Nicholas?) |
Olga and Anastasia |
Olga, Alexei, Anastasia |
Alexei |
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