Saturday, November 27, 2021

A brief gardening update

It's late fall here in Iowa meaning there won't be much to do in the way of gardening until April but I do have a few things to share:

  • I cut the end off of a plastic downspout and placed it over Lazarus to try and protect it from rabbits during winter.
  • The potted maple is indoors and still green although some of the leaves have brown spots.
  • I potted two cedars hoping I could get some growth out of them over winter.
  • I found an American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) seed ball in the parking lot of Hilton Coliseum and have potted about five of the seeds from it. If I can get one seedling out of it I'll transplant it outside when spring comes.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia was born on this day in 1895


Olga with Pierre Gilliard

Olga and Anastasia in Tobolsk

Olga and Tatiana sitting on the same chair?

Olga with Rita Khitrovo

Olga with Rita Khitrovo

Sticking her tongue out at the camera?